W dniu środa, 17 kwietnia 2019 20:11:41 UTC+2 użytkownik Dekatron42 napisał:
> I've come across a few of the CT7001/FCM7001 clock chips which were 
> designed to be used with LED displays and I've been looking for a Nixie 
> clock design with this chip but I haven't found any yet - does anyone here 
> know about such a circuit diagram?
> /Martin

I think only Panaplex tubes (or the very rare 7-segment round tubes)  would 
be usable. This chip has 7-segment display integrated in it, decoding it to 
10 open collector/drain driver would require a large logic circuit or an 
Arduino or other uC. But then using this chip would make little to no sense.
The CT7002 has BCD output, which would make it much easier. 

So, shortly speaking - for driving normal nixie tubes you need to get 
CT7002 to avoid complications.
But if you decide to go 7-segment, there is few schematics in this 
datasheet of how to drive plasma displays (panaplex) or fluorescent (VFD). 
You could also go for the old type LEDs - low brightness, but beautiful 
shade of red - something like displays from this page:

Funny thing is it uses negative supply! So crossing this with any other 
logic (for example, 74141 for CT7002) will require careful designing...

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