Hi all,

I would like to present one of my ideas/dreams. Please notice, that this 
topic is not about how to do it, its just a general question of interest.

Nowadays nixie tube names are easily found by google, but there are alot of 
collectors that have many tubes, and other places where only a few tubes 
are listed etc. Sadly there is no "master" list of tubes, where you can 
find all (yet) known types.

Imagine a website where you can find only a list of nixie tubes, and their 
common paramters like size, characters and shape. The page would have a 
advanced search filter like you know from mouser or digikey shops when 
looking for parts. The list would conain each known parameter of a tube, in 
some cases maybe only its name and manufacturer, in other cases 
The database would only provide text data about the tubes - no images or 
datasheets - if a collector owns a particular tube, a link could be added 
to see this tube on the collectors page. This would ensure that visitors 
still would visit the collectors pages instead of looking up tube images on 
the master database. So every collector could freely design his own website.

To make something like this come alive, it would need the help of people 
from this group. 

So, what do you think? Any opinions about this? Any interest?

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