Dear Terry, will be around for the forseeable future, I can promise that :) But I see your point.

Dieter and myself set up a nixie tube database back in 2011 on which I still own but it is no longer functional. I have extensive knowledge in database programming and webdesign, but I presently do not have the time to develop the database.

Maybe enybody can list some features in this thread they would like to see? I will make a note of them and hopefully I will have some time for this project this summer.

Best wishes

On 2019-04-21 2:56 p.m., Mac Doktor wrote:

On Apr 21, 2019, at 2:48 PM, SWISSNIXIE - Jonathan F. < <>> wrote:

Nowadays nixie tube names are easily found by google, but there are alot of collectors that have many tubes, and other places where only a few tubes are listed etc. Sadly there is no "master" list of tubes, where you can find all (yet) known types.

This is exactly my problem. I only collect symbolic tubes, not numeric. In addition, I'm not interested in simple plus, minus, and/or numeral 1 tubes so I'd like to be able to filter them out as well. I already have all the former Soviet symbol tubes and I don't know what to search for next on eBay.

The database would only provide text data about the tubes - no images or datasheets - if a collector owns a particular tube, a link could be added to see this tube on the collectors page. This would ensure that visitors still would visit the collectors pages instead of looking up tube images on the master database. So every collector could freely design his own website.

Exactly. Links to existing sites would have to be a main feature.

On a related note, one of my nightmares is that sites like or <> might disappear someday due to unforeseen circumstances. It would be terrible to lose all of that information and the enormous effort put into compiling it. Alan Franzman's site only exists on <> now:

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

"I've seen things you /people/ wouldn't believe: attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... the dark in the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in tears in the rain." — Roy Batty, /Blade Runner/

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