I display local wind speed and direction on them which I scrape from a web 
A recent project resulted in the tubes scrolling a message 'ITS JUST AFTER 
FIVE IN' and then displaying the name of a place in the world where it was 
between 17:00 and 18:00 - the idea came from a friend who wants to put a 
display in a 'bar' that he is building!
Personally I like seeing live data from the environment so things like 
temp, pressure, wind speed and direction interest me (I sail and dive 
locally). But, as you say, meaningful data rather than just a clock is 
quite exciting. Others have displayed RSS Feeds, web page visitor counts, 
random words or expressions etc.

As others have also said, if you ultimately decide to do nothing with them, 
I too could give them a good home!
- Richard

On Sunday, 13 September 2020 02:15:35 UTC+1, LeRoy Lee wrote:
> I have 10 of the B7971 display tubes and I need to test them to verify  
> they work, and then I want to find some interesting use for them beyond a 
> clock.  Seems a waste to use only for numbers when they can do so much more.
> Any easy way to verify the tubes, and do any of you have unique ideas for 
> their use?

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