So a little more research revealed they are using photoflash type lamps
35mm long with xenon in them.  The yellow model is simply a filter over the
tube.  They did that for Jack White, who wanted it yellow!  Apparently they
boost the guitar signal to 3500 volts, then arc the tube and use an antenna
to pick up the signal and demodulate it back to usable audio, much like AM
radio.  Interesting!

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 9:55 AM Nick Andrews <> wrote:

> So my neighbor plays bass in a couple of bands and showed me this 'plasma
> pedal' the other night.  They're not cheap and he mentioned maybe we could
> build one.  I told him I hadn't seen it before but would check it out.
> Now, I see a couple of different ones, the common one being an argon
> discharge tube and the other maybe neon as it has an orange crackle.  Any
> knowledge of these devices or ideas?  Looks pretty cool to me.

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