
I still don't get this issue. getLocalHost first retrieves the local host name of the system, then does a lookup in the configured name service for this name.

Is it possible for you to give detailed description of your machine setup/configuration and how you are encountering this issue? What is the actual local system name? Is this name resolvable in the configured name service ( DNS ) ?


On 12/ 2/11 07:45 AM, Charles Lee wrote:
On 12/01/2011 06:46 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

On 01/12/2011 10:21, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 01/12/2011 01:13, Charles Lee wrote:

Yes. In the customer scenario, the return value is 169.254.*.*/16
Sorry for all the questions but I'm still scratching my head as to how
the lookup of the current host's name ends up with a list that includes
these addresses. Is it definitely a behavior change in 2008 R2 or is it
possible that the customer has configured the hosts file this way?

Yes, it would be nice to get the answer to this to understand if this
is a change in behavior in the most recent Windows versions, or if it
is a configuration issue.

I'll run some tests too, to see if I can reproduce the issue.



Hi Chris,

The secondary NIC is a usb port, which is related to the rndis. The
secondary result seems to appear at the first order in the return array.

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