On 7/31/13 2:39 PM, Matthew Hall wrote:
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 02:38:26PM -0700, Stuart Marks wrote:
The alternative is to add "@throws SocketException never" to the
javadoc, just to get rid of the doclint warning, but this has the
consequence of requiring people to keep dead code around
indefinitely, and furthermore it requires them to add new dead code
every time they create a DatagramPacket.

I have never understood in many years using Java why the compiler generates
errors about attempting to catch supposedly-impossible exceptions, instead of

For me it only leads to difficulties when I'm trying to write prototypes or
refactor and clean up some old brittle code, and I run into that rather
dubious sort of error.

This is a good example of where it causes more harm than good. Is there still
a really good reason for this over-paranoid compiler error given that checked
exceptions aren't as popular as they used to be anyways?

I don't have the definitive answer, but it was a very early Java design decision to make unreachable code be a compilation error instead of a warning. This is a matter of judgment, of course; reasonable people come down on different sides of this, for different cases. For example, see this Stackoverflow conversation:


* * *

Meanwhile, I did a little bit of studying about DatagramPacket. The doclint warnings occur on two of the six DatagramPacket constructors:

    DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int len, SocketAddress sa)
    DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int off, int len, SocketAddress sa)

There are two other equivalent overloaded constructors that take InetAddress and port arguments:

    DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int len, InetAddress ia, int port)
    DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int off, int len, InetAddress ia, int port)

To my eye the InetAddress/port constructors are used quite a bit more often than the SocketAddress ones. I did a web search for "java DatagramPacket example" and looked at all the examples on the first page of hits. All of them used the InetAddress+port constructor overloads (including the Oracle Java tutorial). I didn't see any uses of the SocketAddress overloads.

I also did an ohloh search for "new DatagramPacket(":


(HT: Dalibor)

I looked through around 100 examples, and the vast majority of them use the InetAddress+port overloads. I saw three examples that use the SocketAddress overloads. Two of them were within methods that declared "throws Exception." The third was within a try/catch block that catches IOException. None of the three cases would suffer a source incompatibility.

This isn't definitive, of course, but it does seem to supply some evidence that making this change would result in a relatively minor source incompatibility.


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