On 06/08/13 16:57, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 06/08/2013 08:32, Chris Hegarty wrote:
This is a followup to the recent discussion on:
(cont'd) http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/net-dev/2013-August/006914.html

Two DatagramPacket constructors declare that they throw SocketException.

DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int len, SocketAddress sa) throws SocketException DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int off, int len, SocketAddress sa) throws SocketException

As it happens 'throws SE' was incorrectly added to these constructors when introduced in 1.4. The original API specified that SE was thrown when the given SocketAddress was not supported. That was later changed to throw IAE, in 1.4.2. These constructor now can never throw SE.

Removing 'throws SE' from the method declaration is a binary compatible change, but not source compatible ( XXX is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement ).

The conclusion of the discussion is that since these constructors are not that widely used (the InetAddress+port variants are more popular). Where they are, the affected code typically sends the packet, which requires handling of IOException anyway.

A note will be added to the jdk8 release notes documenting this incompatibility.
While it a source incompatible change, I think it's the right thing to do.

The patch looks fine to me (if you want then the declaration will probably fit on one line now).

Late to this discussion ...

So, the extent of the source compatibility is that a possible user of this class may have to edit their calling code, when recompiling in JDK 8 to possibly remove a catch(SocketException) block, which was dead code that was never being called? I guess that is okay especially since it's not so likely to happen. But, if it does, it will probably cause some confusion,
as developers won't be expecting it.

Documenting in release notes is okay too, but I suspect developers are not likely to look there at first anyway. Thinking aloud, it would be nice if some kind of annotation could be associated with the affected constructors such that a more meaningful/customized error message could be emitted by javac. But, perhaps there aren't sufficient other use cases to justify that.


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