
getaddrinfo is actually a shell around couple of different calls, so

for getaddrinfo EAGAIN usually means that it can't rich nameserver, not
the interrupted syscall.

EAI_SYSTEM means that one of underlaying calls (e.g. gethostbyname)
returns an error.

Under Windows, getaddrinfo never returns EAI_SYSTEM, but can set WSA
code other that one returned by getaddrinfo - i.e. it's recomended to
use WSAGetLastError.

So I'm OK with this fix.


On 2013-10-01 22:50, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 01/10/2013 11:31, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
>> Hello net-dev members,
>> Please review this proposed fix at your convenience.
>> Summary
>> When looking up a host and an EAGAIN error is encountered, throw an
>> instance of the new HostLookupException subclass of UnknownHostException.
>> Issue
>> Webrev
> So is getaddrinfo returning EAGAIN or is it failing with EAI_SYSTEM and
> errno set to EAGAIN? I also wonder if the EAGAIN means the underlying
> syscall has been interrupted, in which case the normal thing to do is to
> retry.
> -Alan

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the sources.

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