Hi Max,
thanks for the reply.
I'll change the hosts file names used to correspond with an associated test
dynamic update of host / ip mappings updates are accommodated as seen
per the tests
yes, that's correct the structure of hosts file does not align with
/etc/hosts (ip address list of aliases), it aligns with the
various customized NameService implementations in the test framework.
I'll look into the UnknownHostException suggestion
On 26/10/2015 01:57, Wang Weijun wrote:
I see a lot of krb5 tests modified.
Basically, the NameServiceDescriptor inside KDC.java maps everything to
localhost except for one (I guess Artem invented the 2nd feature). Can we
expand the grammar a little bit to support this? For example:
not.existing.host UnknownHostException
I see you've added all names the tests have touched in
test/sun/security/krb5/auto/hosts, but I am not sure if we might add randomly
generated hostnames in any test later.
BTW, the standard /etc/hosts has lines like " localhost" which has a
different order than yours. Shall we rename hosts to something else so that people does
not get confused?
which address the issue raised in