I couldn't locate this bug in the JIRA nor the bugs.java.net, to see if it's acknowledged as an issue. So FWIW - I can reproduce this even on MacOS (so it isn't just specific to Windows OS). This is the code:

import java.net.URL;
import java.io.InputStream;

public class CertTest {
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
        final URL targetURL = new URL("https://api.vk.com/";);
        try (final InputStream is = targetURL.openConnection().getInputStream()) {


On 16/06/18 12:51 AM, Andrey Turbanov wrote:
Thank you for response.
I submitted bug to bugtracker. Iinternal review ID : 9055666
Didn't find a way to attach files there, but program example is short and can be easily run by anyone.

Andrey Turbanov.

2018-06-15 16:58 GMT+03:00 Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com <mailto:sean.mul...@oracle.com>>:

    The 2nd (good) logfile looks like it is from a completely
    different program - are you sure you are using the same code?

    If it is, please rerun again and also add -Djavax.net.debug=all to
    the command-line which should give a bit more debug info as to
    where the issue is occurring in the TLS handshake.

    I would also recommend filing a bug and attaching the logfiles so
    that this is tracked and evaluated more formally:

    If this is indeed a regression, it's important that we get to the
    bottom of it.


    On 6/12/18 11:10 AM, Андрей Турбанов wrote:

        2 log files attached.

        Андрей Турбанов

        2018-06-12 15:40 GMT+03:00 Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com
        <mailto:sean.mul...@oracle.com> <mailto:sean.mul...@oracle.com

            Please add -Djava.security.debug=certpath to the java
        command line
            and attach the log file. Preferably, attach 2 log files,
        one for a
            good run and one for a bad run. This should help show what the
            problem is.


            On 6/11/18 7:59 PM, Андрей Турбанов wrote:

                I tried to use early jdk11 build
        (http://jdk.java.net/11/) -
                Oracle JDK build for Windows.
                I got exception when my program tries to connect (via
                HttpURLConnection) to https://api.vk.com/

                unable to find valid certification path to requested

                Same code works well with JDK 10.
                Does JDK11 have different set of SSL certificates? Is
        there any
                way to allow connection to vk.com <http://vk.com>
        <http://vk.com> <http://vk.com>?

                Andrey Turbanov

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