Hi Arthur,

On the surface, this looks good.
However I have a concern about two things:

1. IPSupport needs to read system properties, attempts
   to bind sockets etc... I wonder how that might interact
   with tests that use a security manager, as some of these
   operations may throw a SecurityException.
   Maybe some double checking would be in order for those.

2. I would also be more comfortable if
   skipIfCurrentConfigurationIsInvalid() (and possibly
   the static initializer too?), could throw an
   AssertionError if it finds that neither IPv4 nor IPv6
   are available on a system. I'm concerned that a bug
   that e.g. prevents to bind any socket would go unnoticed
   if all tests are skipped...

best regards,

-- daniel

PS: Just a heads up that I have a pending fix [1] which I'm intending
to push later today and which also touches some of the tests from
your patch. Hopefully any merge should be trivial.
[1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/net-dev/2019-April/012416.html

On 01/05/2019 23:21, Arthur Eubanks wrote:
Sorry for the delay, but here's the next revision:

The list of tests modified was found by searching for "preferIPv4Stack" in the tests. The only one I didn't touch was test/jdk/sun/net/sdp/sanity.sh, which is a shell test, and is Solaris-only. For most tests, all I did was add IPSupport.skipIfCurrentConfigurationIsInvalid(). Some of them also had custom implementations for detecting if IPv6 was available, so I replaced those with the new IPSupport version.
Also added a missing "@test" to test/jdk/java/net/Socket/RST.java.

Again, I made sure that the only time the test is skipped with IPSupport.skipIfCurrentConfigurationIsInvalid() is when IPv4 is not available (with LD_PRELOAD) and when java.net.preferIPv4Stack is true.

There are still tests that fail/timeout under the LD_PRELOAD that intercepts and rejects IPv4 calls to getifaddrs(), setsockopt(), and socket(), but those will be fixed in the future, likely with changes to the JDK itself.

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