On Sun, 17 Oct 2021 15:55:59 GMT, Aleksei Efimov <aefi...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > So Suggestion is refector remove Configuration to simplify the interface 
> > and provide the BULITIN_RESOLVER and hostname as parameters to the 
> > InetAddressResolverProvider::get method
> During work on this JEP we've examined the approach suggested above, and 
> there are few issues with it:
>     * `InetAddressResolverProvider.Configuration` interface API might evolve, 
> e.g. there might be a need to pass additional configuration items.
>     * local hostname is a dynamic information, therefore it cannot be passed 
> as string parameter to `InetAddressResolverProvider::get`.
> It's been also discussed in the CSR comments 
> [here](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8274558)

OK grand ... I didn't see the CSR discussion :-(

WRT hostname being dynamic and requires a lambda ... is it really dynamic?
 I know it can be changed, but IIRC most (unix and windows) if not all systems 
require a restart for such a change change to take effect, and usually requires 
a dns cache flush also, in which case an application will be restarting also.

 In the case of working over VPN, VPN software usually changes the hostname 
dynamically, but that name change is only valid for the duration of the VPN 
session, and when you exit the VPN, it reverts back to the original hostname. 
In such cases an application will need to be restarted. There's no seemless 
working from VPN to non VPN.

I think that a hostname is constant while a host is up, but  it can be changed, 
and when changed a host restart is required. I don't think it is quite as 
dynamic as has been suggested, but I open to correction.

 It is something that can be investigated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5822

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