On Sun, 17 Oct 2021 21:03:56 GMT, Mark Sheppard <mshep...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> getByName requires a hostname lookup and getByAdress requires (eventually - I 
> know the docs says there’s no reverse lookup) an address reverse lookup. 
> Thus, a logical mapping is getByName —> lookupHostname, and getByAddr —> 
> lookupAddress, but the opposite will occur getByName --> lookupAddresses and 
> getByAddress --> lookupHostname. Therfore I proffer maps neatly to rename 
> methods to resolveHostname and resolveAddress such that the mapping are 
> getByName --> resolveHostname and getByAddress --> resolveAddress.

Thank you, Mark, for highlighting the naming contradiction in the 
`InetAddressResolver` interface method names. It can be solved by making these 
names symmetrical to `InetAddress` API.
In 302264810725f86a4569161754f7b052c78fd826 `InetAddressResolver` method names 
have been updated to stress input parameters type, which brings them in sync 
with `InetAddress` API:
- `InetAddressResolver.lookupAddresses` is renamed to 
- `InetAddressResolver.lookupHostName` is renamed to 


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5822

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