There are 10 messages totalling 748 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. MISC> [netsites] Theban Mapping Project
  2. MISC> Weekend Meteor Watch (and more)
  3. K12> Why Bess can't Succeed
  4. RESOUR> [netsites] Bioenergy Reference Sites
  5. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-10  Junie B. Jones Favorites - revised
  6. K12> Perseid Meteor Shower
  7. K12> [WWWEDU] PROF DEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 11, 2002
  8. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 8-17 : $ Classroom FeederWatch: Students
     and Scientisits Working Together
  9. MISC> ARTICLE:  Researching People on the Internet [ This Article is
     Published in Two Parts ]
 10. K12> Notices Inviting Applications (August 9, 2002)

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send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 08:18:38 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] Theban Mapping Project

From: Alan S. Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 6:33 PM
Subject: [netsites] Theban Mapping Project

Theban Mapping Project

"The largest Egyptological website on the internet, offering complete
coverage of the Valley of the Kings in images, text and maps."



Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 08:18:39 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> Weekend Meteor Watch (and more)

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 7:05 PM
Subject: Weekend Meteor Watch (and more)

Space Weather News for August 8, 2002

METEOR SHOWER: The peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower is still
away, but sky watchers are already seeing plenty of shooting stars.  In
recent days, 15 to 25 meteors per hour have streaked across the northern
sky during the hours just before dawn. Activity should
impressively so--on August 12th and 13th when the shower peaks.

VENUS AND THE MOON: The planet Venus is so bright this week you can see
before nightfall. On Sunday evening, August 11th, the slender crescent
Moon will glide by Venus. Together the pair will be truly eye-catching.

Visit for more information about these events,
a movie of two bright Perseid meteors recorded on August 8th.


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 08:22:55 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Why Bess can't Succeed

From: K-12 Educators Interested in Educational Administration
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nancy Willard
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Why Bess can't Succeed

Why Bess Can't Succeed

One may wonder why N2H2 misses so many porn sites. The answer is
twofold: size, and rate of growth. The Web currently contains
over one billion pages. That's 20,000,000,000,000 characters of text.
And it's adding new material at a tremendous rate - over two
million pages day, or roughly 25 new pages every second of every day. If
you can read and rate an entire web page in 30 seconds, you
would only need another 749 people just like you to keep up with the new
information being added to the web. Of course, you'd have
to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... N2H2 employs 15 full time and
58 part time employees to scan websites, according to their
recent IPO filing. They're losing ground massively unless they classify
huge chunks of the web at once (or skip chunks, such as
Geocities and the other free webpage sites). And remember, this is just
for a one-time classification. Web pages change, constantly. If
you never rescan them, your classifications quickly becomes outdated -
but this would take many more employees.

And this assumes that you could even find all the new information. The
internet search engines such as AltaVista and Hotbot do their
best. They have millions of dollars worth of computer hardware, being
manned by highly-paid professionals and connected to the
internet via ultra-fast (and ultra-expensive) data lines. But they don't
do a very good job. In a recent study in Nature magazine, a
scientific journal, two computer scientists studied search engines and
concluded that the best of them covered only 16% of the web -
they simply can't find all the data out there. Hotbot had coverage of
only 11.3%.

Here is the link to the full article:

Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D.

Center for Advanced Technology in Education
University of Oregon, College of Education

Responsible Netizen Institute


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 08:39:28 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Bioenergy Reference Sites

From: Philip Lomoas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 6:37 PM
Subject: [netsites] Bioenergy Reference Sites

Bioenergy Reference Sites

Links and resources from the Bioenergy Discussion Lists.

Philip Lomoas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 08:01:26 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-10  Junie B. Jones Favorites -

Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 10:39 PM
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-10 Junie B. Jones Favorites

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
 DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Marci McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Junie B. Jones Favorites

Project Begin & End Dates: 8/10/02 to 7/31/03

Project Summary:
K-4 students will read or listen to several Junie B. Jones books
(author: Barbara Park), select a favorite, write a collaborative class
book review to be published on project page.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, Language

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: none

Full Project Description:
K-4 students will read or listen to several Junie B. Jones books
(author: Barbara Park), select a favorite, write a collaborative class
book review, send by email to project contact person to be published on
project page.

Students will communicate with others through email and website.

Students will increase their motivation to read other books in the Junie
B. Jones series.

Students will increase their motivation to write and share their
opinions of books they have read.

Align class objectives with own state or national literacy standards

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/10/02 to 7/30/03

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 5 to 10 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
Registration is not required until class book review is ready to be
emailed to project contact person.

Note resources available on project page: websites and how to write book
review guidlines.

Only one review per class will be accepted.

Open to classes in grades K-2.

Project Contact Information
Marci McGowan - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Teacher -  H. W. Mountz Elementary School Grade One
Spring Lake, New Jersey US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization.
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:06:12 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Perseid Meteor Shower

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 9:01 AM
Subject: Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseid meteor shower is peaking, starting on Sunday night.
For very good information about the shower, see

Enjoy the viewing!



Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:10:13 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] PROF DEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 11, 2002

From: BJ Berquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 6:28 AM
Subject: [WWWEDU] PROF DEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 11, 2002

After School Online (ASO) is a forum for educators.  The scheduled
events, designed for professional development, are open to everyone in
the TAPPED IN community and all guests.  Login at  If you are new to TAPPED IN, please login 10
minutes before the ASO event is scheduled to begin.  This will allow the
helpdesk volunteers to get you where you need to be.

Print out this weekly schedule as a quick reference to what's happening;
you can get a monthly view and description of the events online at our
Time-Zone Friendly Calendar:

Go to the url below each event for descriptions of the individual
Sunday, August 11
* Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning
5:00-6:00am PDT/8:00-9:00am EDT/12:00-13:00 GMT
Read about this discussion online at
Monday, August 12
* Tech in the Classroom
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at
Tuesday, August 13
* NEW! Oz Time Tours and Tips/Campfire Meeting
2:00-3:00am PDT/5:00-6:00am EDT/09:00-10:00 GMT/7:00-8:00AEST
Read about this discussion online at

* K-3+ Resources - Birds
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at

* Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project
6:00-7:00pm PDT/9:00-10:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at
Thursday, August 15
* Alternative/Correctional Education Forum
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at

* K-12 Math
6:00-7:00pm PDT/9:00-10:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at
Saturday, August 17
* TAPPED IN Tours and Tips
11:00am-12noon PDT/2:00-3:00pm EDT/18:00-19:00 GMT
Read about this discussion online at
Sunday, August 18
* Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning
5:00-6:00am PDT/8:00-9:00am EDT/12:00-13:00 GMT

Respectfully submitted,
BJ Berquist
Associate Educator, TAPPED IN


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:03:05 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 8-17 : $ Classroom FeederWatch:
         Students and Scientisits Working Together

Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 9:03 AM
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 8-17 : $ Classroom FeederWatch:
Students and Scientisits Working Together

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
 DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Claudia Zan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Classroom FeederWatch: Students and Scientisits Working

Project Begin & End Dates: 11/12/02 to 4/07/03

Project Summary:
A curriculum for upper elementary and middle- school students that,
through guided inquiry,  teaches students about birds and the scientific
process by gathering useful data from schoolyard feeders. Students then
submit their data via the Internet to scientists at the Cornell Lab of
Ornithology who, in turn, use this data to study changes in bird
populations across North America.

Project Details
Project Level: Advanced

Curriculum Area: Arts, Community Interest, Information Technology,
Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Full Project Description:
Classroom FeederWatch is an exciting research and interdisciplinary
education curriculum designed for students in grades 5-8. It's been
developed by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, with funding from
the National Science Foundation. With Classroom FeederWatch, students
learn how science and scientists work, and in the process become
scientists themselves.
Classroom FeederWatch prepares students to fully participate in an
annual feeder-bird survey conducted by ornithologists at the Lab. Thus
students learn about science and truly contribute to our scientific
understanding of the natural world. Students are strongly motivated to
learn when they actively do science, and answer questions about relevant
Birds represent an amazing group of species, the most numerous of the
vertebrates. They are an essential part of most ecosystems, acting as
biocontrol, seed dispersers, scavengers, and food for predators. By
counting birds in the Project FeederWatch and Classroom FeederWatch
programs, we can now give scientists a chance to understand the movement
patterns and population fluctuations of many common birds and help
ensure their survival.
This project also gives teachers a chance to integrate science with
language arts, visual arts, social studies, math, and technology.
Students produce a newsletter which describes their findings as well as
their feelings about the project. They discuss questions with students
in classrooms all over the country, and communicate electronically to do

*Students (and teachers!) learn to identify birds and become amateur
*Students learn to ask scientific questions and design experiments to
answer them.
*Students analyze and display data to answer their own questions and use
their findings to describe how the natural world works.
*Students collect data and contribute it to a research database used by
professional ornithologists in their studies of bird populations.
*Students will publish their conclusions, other writings, and artwork in
the Lab's newsletter, Classroom Birdscope.


Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/01/02 to 8/30/03

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 8 to 17 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
Sign up by visiting, or by calling

For more information send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Project Contact Information
Claudia Zan - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Leader -  Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Ithaca, New York US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization.
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:37:24 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> ARTICLE:  Researching People on the Internet [ This Article is
         Published in Two Parts ]

From: David P. Dillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 10:25 AM

A two part article has been published in Online Journalism Review
regarding methods for finding information regarding individuals using
the internet.

Researching People on the Internet

Part I: Background Checks

Public records databases are increasingly being put on the Internet by
government agencies but finding them quickly is another matter
posted: 2002-07-24  modified: 2002-08-01
Paul Grabowicz


Whether youre working on an investigative project or a breaking news
story, one of the most common tasks a reporter faces is doing a
check on a person. Researching public records -- property ownership,
business ties, professional licenses -- is a central part of that.

Those public records databases are increasingly being put on the
by government agencies. Finding them is another matter. There is no
database for all the records -- you have to go to the Web site of a
particular agency to see whats available.

Part II: Businesses, Organizations, and Political Contributions
Political contributions and businesses can generate names

Paul Grabowicz
posted: 2002-07-30  modified: 2002-08-01


Now well look at researching the businesses and organizations with which
person might be affiliated, as well as checking on political
they may have made. And well go through other public records that arent
readily available online, but you can order them over the Internet or at
least find where theyre physically located.

Full Articles May Be Read at the URLs Above.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204-4584


Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:37:50 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Notices Inviting Applications (August 9, 2002)

Behalf Of Kickbush, Peter
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 9:59 AM
To: Information from & about the U.S. Department of Education
publications & more .
Subject: Notices Inviting Applications (August 9, 2002)

     from the U.S. Department of Education (published in the
     Federal Register) include those related to:

       *  Rehabilitation Research & Training Centers (RRTC) Program
          -- CFDA# 84.133B

       *  State Program Improvement Grant Program -- CFDA# 84.323

       *  Special Education -- Technical Assistance & Dissemination
          to Improve Services & Results for Children With
          Disabilities -- CFDA# 84.326B

     FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about Department funding
     opportunities, including discretionary grant application
     packages, please see:

     BELOW ARE the purposes, eligible applicants, availability &
     closing dates, available funds, estimated size, & number of
     awards for these programs.  For more complete information &
     the contact individual for each opportunity, please see the
     notice; however, please note that while we *try* to ensure
     that the version on the web & the Federal Register notice are
     the same, the Federal Register notice is the one to consult
     for complete & authoritative information.

  Rehabilitation Research & Training Centers (RRTC) Program
  (Federal Register: July 29, 2002 [CFDA# 84.133B])
Purpose of the Program: The purpose of the RRTC Program is to
improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (the Act), as amended.  For FY 2002 the
competition for new awards focuses on projects designed to meet the
priorities we describe in the Priorities section of this
application notice.  The priorities are intended to improve
rehabilitation services & outcomes for individuals with
    Eligible Applicants: Parties eligible to apply for grants under
this program are States; public or private agencies, including for-
profit agencies; public or private organizations, including for-
profit organizations; institutions of higher education; & Indian
tribes & tribal organizations.
    Application Available: July 29, 2002.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 12, 2002.
    Maximum Award Amount: $600,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 1.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priorities,
selection criteria, & other information are available in the
Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

The complete application is available online at:

  State Program Improvement Grant Program (Federal Register: August
  8, 2002 [CFDA# 84.323])
Purpose of Program: The purpose of the State Program Improvement
Grant program is to assist State educational agencies & their
partners referred to in section 652(b) of IDEA with reforming &
improving their systems for providing educational, early
intervention, & transitional services, including their systems for
professional development, technical assistance, & dissemination of
knowledge about best practices, to improve results for children
with disabilities.
    Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies with currently
funded State Improvement Grants.
    Applications Available: August 8, 2002.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 9, 2002.
    Estimated Available Funds: $8,000,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: Under this priority, the Secretary
will make, based on available funds, up to 36 supplements.
    Estimated Size of Awards: State educational agencies with
currently funded State Improvement grants may apply for up to 10
percent of the five-year total of their existing awards.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priorities, &
other information are available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  Special Education -- Technical Assistance & Dissemination to
  Improve Services & Results for Children With Disabilities
  (Federal Register: August 9, 2002 [CFDA# 84.326B])
Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is to provide
technical assistance & information -- through such mechanisms as
institutes, regional resource centers, clearinghouses, & programs
that support States & local entities in building capacity -- to (1)
improve early intervention, educational, & transitional services &
results for children with disabilities & their families; & (2)
address systemic-change goals & priorities.
    Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies, local
educational agencies, institutions of higher education, other
public agencies, nonprofit private organizations, for-profit
organizations, outlying areas, freely associated States, & Indian
tribes or tribal organizations.
    Applications Available: August 9, 2002.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 9, 2002.
    Estimated Available Funds: $700,000.
    Maximum Awards: $700,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: Under this priority, the Secretary
will make one award for a cooperative agreement.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priorities, &
other information are available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

     To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) EDInfo, address an email
     message to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Then write either SUBSCRIBE
     EDINFO YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME in the message, or write
     UNSUBSCRIBE EDINFO (if you have a signature block, please turn
     it off)  Then send it!
     Past EDInfo messages:
     Past ED Initiatives:
          Peter Kickbush & Kirk Winters
          U.S. Department of Education


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 9 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-499)

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