There are 11 messages totalling 640 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. K12> Regarding the Job of  a Principal.. from GLEF
  2. K12> [WWWEDU] Teaching Unit on INDIA - Critical Feedback Appreciated
  3. K12> New resource for ESL teachers
  4. K12> Are you secure?
  5. K12> [DIGITALDIVIDE] State & Local Playbook: Youth Tech
  6. K12> Operation KidSafe Host Digital Fingerprinting Program
  7. K12> Re: free teacher web sites?
  8. BOOK> Fw: New Book on Math History
  9. K12>  Sizzling Organic Chemistry Plays
 10. K12> Re: free time for student to surf the web - 2 msgs
 11. LISTS> Invitation | mailing list - Applied GIS & Remote Sensing

For individual postings,
send the message: set net-happenings mail

To Unsubscribe, click and send (no body or subject: required)

Net-happenings mailing list is a service of
Classroom Connect -

Archives for Net-happenings can be found at:



Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:26:26 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Regarding the Job of  a Principal.. from GLEF

From: "Bonnie Bracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 11:28:16 EDT
Subject: Regarding the Job of  a Principal.. from GLEF

GLEF presents "View of the Principal and the Job," the first in an  ongoing
series of instructional modules designed for use by professional developers
and faculty in schools of education.

This administrative leadership module helps principals develop strong
organizational and leadership skills, as well as strategies and tools to
improve academic performance. Each topic links to various GLEF articles and
contact information, correlated with content derived from leadership
standards and selected textbooks on the principalship. The module includes
classroom activities, case studies, textbook assignments, and teaching
resources, such as PowerPoint=AE presentations and short videos.


III. What's Working in K-12 Schools: The Freshman Principal

There is a growing national movement to combat the potential principal
shortage through the use of experienced principal mentors. Many schools and
districts are developing mentoring programs ranging from formal paid
positions to online forums.


IV. Featured Video: Principal Mentoring

These days, the challenges of being a principal include everything from
being a politician, disciplinarian, visionary, and problem solver. This
seven-minute documentary demonstrates how mentors can make a world of
difference in helping new principals succeed.


This is an extract from the GLEF Blast.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:27:01 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] Teaching Unit on INDIA - Critical Feedback Appreciated

From: "Ralph and Roslyn Teirney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 10:53:40 +1000
Subject: [WWWEDU] Teaching Unit on INDIA - Critical Feedback Appreciated

Hi there to my "wwwedu" colleagues, all over the place...  I am a new list
member and this is my first message.

Last September, I started up a website to encourage my students to discover
India through considering English literature:

I'm calling for critical feedback on this unit again, as I have entered the
website in the Australian EdNA National Quest Challenge, which will be
judged onSeptember 27 (my birthday!).

If you have time to check out the unit, whether fully or just briefly, I
would be very grateful for any criticisms or suggested improvements.  I do
not need endorsements but I would highly value complaints.

May I ask that those who have a few minutes to help me and would like to
visit my website send their criticisms to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Of course, you are welcome to declare your complaints here on this list,
but if you do so to the other e-mail addresses, I can try to correct the
faults you identify more discreetly.

Kind regards to all,

Roslyn Teirney
Ogilvie High School
228 Main Rd., NEW TOWN Tas. 7008


Indian Website:
English Website:


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:27:36 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> New resource for ESL teachers

Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 04:22:30 -0700
Subject: New resource for ESL teachers
From: aminkorea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all,

There is a new resource on the web for teachers of English as a second
language. John's ESL Community is an interactive teaching resource that
has been designed to help teachers utilize the power of the Internet for
language learning. For more information visit their site at


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:28:26 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Are you secure?

 From: "eSchool News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: eSN School Technology  Alert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 14:41:11 -0400
Subject: Are you secure?

They'll try to
get you
coming and going!

Everybody worries about what comes into your computer network-pornography,
hate speech, worms, viruses . . . But who worries about what goes out of
your network? Confidential student data, inappropriate eMail, personnel
information, test results . . .

If you're responsible for technology in schools, YOU worry about it. That's

Cut the challenge of  Network Security down to size. Access the
comprehensive resources assembled by the editors of eSchool News. Visit our
brand-new Educator's Resource Center on Network Security.

Check it out:

When it comes to Network Security, you've got to watch your data coming and
going. Fortunately, solutions just now available make that job a lot more
manageable. At the eSN Network Security Resource Center, you can review the
most effective, educator-tested strategies for ensuring system security.
You can get up to speed in a hurry on the latest legislation and litigation
affecting network security in schools.

For a limited time only, you even can try out some of the nation's most
effective Network Security solutions for free-sample sophisticated new
applications for safeguarding every aspect of your computer network.

for your
Network Security
Sometimes the network administrator's job can seem overwhelming. That's why
eSchool News has put together a comprehensive library of news stories,
special reports, and additional security resources-all available free.

In the Network Security Resource Center, you'll . . .

**Learn about the new legislation and court cases that govern what you must
put in and keep out of your computer network.

**Get the lowdown on eMail and virus protection as well as web-content

**Understand the challenges and solutions surrounding the more complicated
need to safeguard student data.

..and much more!

Visit the FREE eSN Network Security Resource Center today:

Here's to a safe, sane, manageable approach to Network Security!


  -- Gregg

Gregg W. Downey
Editor & Publisher
eSchool News
800-394-0115 x107

P.S., Remember this solution-crammed Network Security Resource
Center has the information you need to cope with high-stakes testing.
It's free. Why not check it out right now?


We encourage you to pass along this issue of eSN School
Technology ALERT, unaltered, to interested colleagues.

To SUBSCRIBE to the eSN School Technology ALERT:
If you received this newsletter from a colleague and want to have
your own free subscription, send a blank e-mail to

COPYRIGHT 2001 eSchool NEWS. All rights reserved.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:28:52 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [DIGITALDIVIDE] State & Local Playbook: Youth Tech

From: "Rachael Zubal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 16:00:18 -0400
Subject: [DIGITALDIVIDE] State & Local Playbook: Youth Tech

>From New Dem Weekly newsletter:

State & Local Playbook: Youth Tech

New Dem Daily | 23-AUG-02

In many schools, computers are used for aimless Web surfing
and video games, for the simple reason that there's no training
program or information systems personnel.  An entrepreneur in
Massachusetts, tired of this phenomenon, developed a
computer curriculum that trains students themselves to set up
and maintain schools' IT systems.

Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri
Information Coordinator, Center on Human Policy
Syracuse University
805 South Crouse Avenue
Syracuse, NY  13244-2280
ICQ #19650783

"Out of the strain of Doing, into the peace of the Done."
--Julia Louise Woodruff

"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
--Booker T. Washington


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:30:16 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Operation KidSafe Host Digital Fingerprinting Program

Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 13:33:51 -0500
Subject: Operation KidSafe Host Digital Fingerprinting Program

Operation KidSafe
Join over 500 sponsors worldwide and say YES to hosting one of our child
safety events!

Maybe a piece of Larry Bird memrobilia can convice you to act now to
protect the children of your community!

Thanks to the generous donation from ProVision Sports, the 1st 50
businesses to book the program will receive a piece of history.  You will
receive a piece of the high school floor that Larry Bird played on.
Each 5inch X 5inch piece comes with a certificate of authenticity from
Larry's high school coach at Spring Valley in French Lick, IN.  Also
included is a photo of Larry and a photo of the floor just prior to
demolition. These floor pieces have brought as high as $850.00 at charity
auctions and you can own one just for sponsoring Operation KidSafe!

Freezing Out Crime Through Corporate Citizenship and Education!

Program Outline and Benefits

Only 5 of these machines dedicated to only fingerprinting children.
Local press enjoys covering this story and helping get the word out about
this world class equipment.

We handle the press releases and media follow-up
The program fee is only $1995.00 for one day program.
Operation KidSafe Staff Person attends each event.
Program includes one day of unlimited digital fingerprinting.
No kits to buy and no limit on how many can attend.
All supplies and equipment are included as a part of the program.

Please review the information on the Operation KidSafe National Tour.   If
you have any questions on the program or your market area, please call us @
217-541-6360. Many businesses are reviewing this package, as we are
actively working your market.  Please give the program a quick review.
The event is available to only one sponsor in each category so it is on a
first committed basis.

"One of the best events we have ever hosted.  We look forward to our future
Operation Kidsafe events."

Mazda of Fort Myers
Fort Myers, FL

"Our event was a huge success.  Over 350 children, tremendous media
coverage and participation
by the Shreveport Police.  Thanks again for a great event.  We look forward
to bringing your program
to our community again soon.

Denny Rogers, President
United Auto Dodge of Shreveport, LA

____ YES we are interested and would like you to fax us a sponsor package.

Company __________________________  Contact ____________________________

City ____________________ State _____________

Phone ____________________________ Fax _________________________________

Fax your request to:  Fax 217-757-8788

Or call us @ 217-541-6360


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:30:46 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Re: free teacher web sites?

From: "EDTECH Editor-Eiffert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 19:55:12 -0400
Subject: Re: free teacher web sites?

From: Glenn Wiebe  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have posted a list of "free and cheap web site creation links" at:

Hope this helps!

Glenn Wiebe
Social Studies Specialist
1500 E. 11th
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501

Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:31:08 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BOOK> Fw: New Book on Math History

Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 19:14:54 -0700
Subject: New Book on Math History
From: April Mulherin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: k12.ed.math

Dear Math Educators,

"Math through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Others", is
a new publication written by William Berlinghoff and Fernando Gouvea.

This book is written with the interests of math teachers in mind.  It
focuses on the historical roots of many mathematical ideas.  Its 25
independent sketches reveal the often surprising stories behind zero,
negative numbers, the symbols of arithmetic and algebra, the metric
system, Euclidean geometry, fractions, quadratic equations, computers,
and the like.  The 56 pages on "The History of Mathematics in a Large
Nutshell" provide a unifying context for these sketches.

Keith Devlin of Stanford University, author of The Millennium
Problems, The Math Gene, and The Language of Mathematics, says, "This
delightfully written summary of the historical development of
mathematics should be in the arsenal of every teacher of mathematics,
from middle school to Ph.D. level. Brief, to the point, informative,
and entertaining to boot."

If you would like to learn more about this resource, please visit our
website at

April Mulherin
Oxton House Publishers

submissions: post to k12.ed.math or e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
private e-mail to the k12.ed.math moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
newsgroup website:
newsgroup charter:


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:31:37 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12>  Sizzling Organic Chemistry Plays

Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 19:15:26 -0700
Subject: Resource:  Sizzling Organic Chemistry Plays

Offered here for your enjoyment are four short organic chemistry plays
that illustrate reaction mechanisms. These were performed in an actual
organic chemistry class. You are free to use them in your class. (If
you do, let me know how it turns out). The students wore signs around
their necks identifying their parts in the drama. Electrons were drawn
on posterboard and exchanged where appropriate. Bonding was
illustrated by having the participants hold onto the electrons being
shared. When asking for parts, the students would say, "Just don't
give me any girl parts (or boy parts)." I would tell them that there
weren't any girl parts or boy parts, just atom parts. Most of the
students really enjoyed the dramas and competed for parts... but be
warned! I had to discontinue the plays because a student complained to
the Dean that the plays were sexually offensive, even though: (1) the
students were repeatedly reminded that atoms and molecules don't have
gender and (2) students never touched each other and (3) these plays
aren't nearly as raunchy as Shakespeare!



Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:32:34 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Re: free time for student to surf the web - 2 msgs

From: "EDTECH Editor-Beil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 23:31:57 -0400
Subject: Re: free time for student to surf the web

From: Judy Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I was at school this morning and found a list of "fun and exciting
Internet sites" that I developed when working with ESL students this
summer.  Some of the sites are geared more toward MS but some could work
with high school students, too.

Fun Brain

Today Hooray



Blast Off Games

Build your Own Roller Coaster

On Board the Titanic

This site gives you links to puzzle sites:

You might also have your students create their own puzzles using the Puzzle

Just a word of advice....some of the sites look like "games" so you might
want to rule some of them out if there is a chance that other
teachers/administrators view what you are doing as encouraging "playing."
Of course, some just don't understand that even in playing games students
are using computer skills, especially if students are new to using
computer technology...and unfortunately, there are still students like
this in our schools.  Some of these games also encourage problem solving
skills.  But remember complaints can be made by others from just viewing
what your students are doing before any questions are asked.

Judy Gardner
Library/Media Specialist
Lebanon High School
Lebanon, PA
VRD Information Network Specialist

From: nicole volk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    I found two sites:

     I think the second is the site students would find more interesting.

From:  Nicole Volk
           CTED 633
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:33:15 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LISTS> Invitation | mailing list - Applied GIS & Remote Sensing

From: "Applied GIS & Remote Sensing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 01:33:04 -0500


We invite you to join the Applied GIS & Remote Sensing mailing list hosted
by the University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.

The purpose of this list is to discuss Applied GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing in
forestry, geology, biology, agriculture and water management without any
restriction on the systems used. Examples of issues that might be addressed
include :

Biodiversity | Pollution | Deforestation |  Urbanization | Food Production
| Climate Change | Rural Development | Poverty Reduction | Mountain
Development | Freshwater Supply

The Applied-GIS-RS list favours questions, comments & contributions on how
to efficiently apply these technologies, not on technical software issues
(there are other great lists and web boards for that :^).

Example : for a watershed management project should I use raster or vector
? If raster, what is the best pixel size to feed runoff models ?

Applied-GIS-RS is open to everyone. We encourage you to submit your
questions & experiences to the list. Feel free to share :

- research projects and results
- valuable experiences
- new technologies & products

TO JOIN : visit and click on "Join list".

This list is also open to related topics such as management,
socio-cultural, political and economic questions which are steadily gaining

Furthermore, it is intended to create and support networking between
persons who are interested and engaged in unleashing the power of these
technologies to improve the quality of life of all living beings on our

Best regards,

The Applied-GIS-RS Team

Alexandre Leroux | Daniel Chamberland-Tremblay | Martin Plante | Mathieu
Lambert | Pierre Marchand


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 26 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-529)

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