Hello Net-SNMP Coders,

even though I'm not a subscribed user, I'd like to send you a coding related 
question, which I kindly ask you to answer.

We're currently testing Net-SNMP on HP-UX 11.31. Therefore we installed a 
compiled net-snmp package from HP (version as part of the HP Internet 
Express Bundle A.19). When querying interface related information (OID's below 
IF-MIB::ifEntry, ., we're getting very long response times in 
certain situations. Here is an example:

# time snmpget -v 2c -c public <hostname> .
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: lan0 HP PCIe 1000Base-T Release B.11.31.1203

real        0.4
user        0.0
sys         0.0

# time snmpget -v 2c -c public <hostname> .
IF-MIB::ifDescr.55 = STRING: software loopback

real        2.2
user        0.0
sys         0.0

In fact the higher the index of the interface in question the longer it takes 
the snmpd to answer the request. We then traced the operating system calls of 
the snmpd during such requests and we saw the following behavior.

-          It seems, that at each such request, the snmpd first queries lots of 
interface related information from the operating system before actually 
answering the request.

-          Even worse it seems, that the snmpd not only queries the interface 
related information for the interface in question but for all interfaces with 
an index lower and equal to the one in question. For example if we query the 
interface name for interface number 55, then the snmpd seems to query the 
interface related information for interfaces 1 - 55, before answering the 
request. Hence the higher the index of the interface in question the more 
effort and time it takes the snmpd to answer the request.

Just to give you a feeling about the consequences: A walk through the 
IF-MIB::ifEntry (. subtree, which is expected to finish in a 
few seconds, takes about 30 mins!

You certainly wonder, why we have 55 interfaces on our system. This is a 
"feature" of the HP Auto Port Aggregation software for bonding network 
interfaces, which is installed by default for HP-UX 11.31. It creates lots of 
logical network interface called lan9xx, which are mostly unconfigured but find 
their way into the interface related MIB tables.

Now my questions:

-          Can you confirm my findings related to the behavior of the snmpd?

-          Is there a way to speed up the snmpd in how it answers such 
interface related requests?

Thanks for a short reply and kind regards,

Andre Fröbel from Germany!

Telefon: +49 385/4800-337
E-Mail: a.froe...@dvz-mv.de<mailto:a.froe...@dvz-mv.de>
Internet: www.dvz-mv.de<../Anwendungsdaten/Microsoft/Signatures/www.dvz-mv.de>
P E-Mails sparen Zeit und Geld, sie nicht auszudrucken spart Bäume.

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