
I'm working with an older version of Net-SNMP. I have a question:

My MIB uses an enum "iotwTimingSchedPolicy" that is defined as
iotwSchedPolicyEnum ::= Integer32 {
    schedPolicy-nice    (0),
    schedPolicy-batch   (1),
    schedPolicy-FIFO    (2),
    schedPolicy-idle    (3),
    schedPolicy-other   (4),
    schedPolicy-RR      (5),

And it us used as
iotwObjectEntrySyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
    iotwTimingSchedPolicy       iotwSchedPolicyEnum,

iotwTimingSchedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      iotwSchedPolicyEnum
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      optional

I realized that mib2c and snmptranslate both cannot find out the type of the 
variable. mibtranslate shows it without a type like this:
               +-- -RW- Integer32 iotwTimingPriority(10)
               |        Textual Convention: PercentTC
               |        Range: 0..100
               +-- -RW- Integer32 iotwEvaluationPriority(12)
               |        Textual Convention: PercentTC
               |        Range: 0..100

I'm new in MIB-writing, so maybe I mad mistakes, but the tools don't complain 
about errors. Ideas?


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