On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 12:06 AM, Robert Story <rst...@freesnmp.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 May 2018 14:29:09 -0400 Bill wrote:
> BF> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 1:07 PM, Robert Story
> BF> <rst...@freesnmp.com> wrote:
> BF> Depends on at what level you are looking at the functionality.
> BF> -@ would set session.localaddr, which is a little different
> BF> than setting clientaddr.
> Can you be more specific about the difference? I don't see a
> localaddr field in the netsnmp_session structure.

I apologize for mis-speaking.  I meant, session.localname, which is used in
_sess_open() as follows:


My change includes a combination of allowing setting session.localname in
snmp_parse_args(), and using it when opening the session in agent_trap.c by
temporarily setting NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENT_ADDR in the same way that
_sess_open() does.  (This is what led me to discover that 5.8 broke

I'm inclined to say it's too late, it being the day before rc1

I've been using and testing this code in EOS for 3 years, so it's not that
it's a brand new idea asking to get into rc1.  There could be better
timing, sure, but this all unraveled from me doing a better job of looking
at Arista's test results because rc1 is coming up, and finding that
clientaddr is just broken.

> it mainly being a feature for testing.

I apologize for being unclear about the goal here.  The goal is to allow
specifying a source address in a trap session created with the "trapsess"
configuration command.  The implementation that I chose allows using it for
testing too, but that's really secondary to the goal.

5.8 introduces the ability to do this with "trap*sink" (although as
mentioned in the other thread, it seems to be broken).  But it's not
possible to configure SNMPv3 trap sinks with the "trap*sink" commands, so
EOS configures all of its trap destinations with "trapsess".

If this is too esoteric, and it's not desirable to give "trapsess" feature
parity with "trap*sink", I can keep this patch local to Arista. Or maybe
since it's "feature parity" and not "new feature" it can go into 5.8.1.  Or
I can hold onto it for 5.9.

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