> One more question. What does this *all* list of parameters include for
> 'trapsess' derivative? I have include security level and username.

Yes - that should be enough.

> Here are my settings in snmpd.conf file for v3:
> trapsess -v 3 -l noAuthNoPriv -u public public

That looks fine...

> With these settings, I can receive the traps using apps/snmptrapd,

.... and that show that it works properly.

> but when I try to receive the traps in any other 3rd party SNMP
> Manager e.g. HP Openview etc. then it doesn't receive. 

That sounds like a problem with configuring the 3rd party manager,
or an incompatability between the two sides.

If you send a v3 trap "manually" (i.e. using 'snmptrap') to the
remote manager, does it arrive safely?   What about an inform?
Does a v1 or v2 trap arrive OK?

Is the remote manager configured to know about the user "public" ?
(That shouldn't be necessary for unauthenticated traps, but it's
a possibility - see
      for a discussion of the issues involved).

What does the documentation for the remote manager say?
Is it logging anything?   Can it be persuaded to?


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