Dear sir,

I sincerly Thank Mr.Robert sir and Mr.Dave sir for giving consent to add your name to my project acknowledgement page. sir.. here i have given my project -"Network Management for Broadband Wireless Access based on WiMAX and IEEE 802.16f " its abstract. it is very brief. Please kindly have look at it. and do give comments on it..

sir, after my university project exam is over by this month end.. i am interested in working further in the same project...

sir, i am in need of your guidelines and instructions further to work on this same project.
what additional things can i add to this project to enhance further??

i am very much interested to make it a good paper to present it in any technical forum with all your guidelines and advice..

so please do give me ideas to proceed further..


     To keep phase with the fast growing WiMAX technology, a forward step is taken to place a footprint in to it. A detailed study is made on the IEEE & WiMAX specification for the upcoming standard - IEEE 802.16f that defines wmanIfMib - wireless MAN Interface MIB in response to the Network Management Task Group with the available drafts of IEEE 802.16f. A SNMP agent is build, which support this WiMAX MIB.

      To facilitate the task in the development SNMP tools, SNMP APIs & SNMP library of NET-SNMP package are in usage, which is available with Linux kernels. The package is completely written in C language. In the development process first of all a valid MIB file is generated from the available IEEE drafts. The MIB files are checked for validity and MIB parsing is done using the tools “SNMPTRANSLATE” and “MIB2C - is one to turn a MIB specification into C code” if so required.
The compiled & valid WMAN-IF-MIB MIB is added to the NET-SNMP tools to proceed on. The standard SNMP agent available with the package functionality is extended to support the new WMAN-IF-MIB MIB by writing the necessary C coding.The NET-SNMP package is featured with three methods for integrating external C code within the agent. The code can be included within the agent itself,statically configured and linked in when the agent is complied. Alternatively its possible to
dynamically load MIB modules once the agent is running. Finally the agent can be configured to pass certain portions of the MIB tree off to one or more subagents.

      In the process of developing a completely WiMAX supported SNMP agent, the static method is preferred as a better choice. The required portion or a module from WMAN-IF-MIB is converted in the appropriate C codes by writing a C file and header (.h) file. The information needed to answer particular queries will be available from another running process or using variety of other sources in the real time scenario. In the implementation trails values are read from a static text file in a location with the appropriate initialization routine and handler routines written in the C file for WMAN-IF-MIB. The master agent is re-configured and recompiled to include the new module in to it.

    The tools such as SNMPGET, SNMPGETNEXT, SNMPSET, and SNMPWALK are used in testing the newly integrated WMAN-IF-MIB within the SNMP agent. The NET-SNMP package is featured with traps and  notification generation. The corresponding commands/tools are configured to use within. The package also has the support of SNMP version 3 protocols, which the WiMAX is intending to support.

with sincere thanks and love,

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