As per RFC 1907, sysUpTime is defined as ""The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized."  My questions are:
1. What is meant by "network management portion" in this context?
2. If I have
    -    a managed resource(for ex: device's port status),
    -    a subagent (which is monitoring that port), and
    -    an agentX master agent
Whose uptime will be displayed in SNMPv2 traps sent to manager? Will it be port's uptime, subagent's uptime or the master agent's uptime?
3. Is sysUpTime redundant in case of SNMPv2 traps, if the trap definition itself has a "*LastChange" as a trap parameter? Since, the "*LastChange" parameter is normally defined as "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent change in state of *", it seems the mandatory varbind "sysUpTime" and "*LastChange" values will always be similar in the trap?

The question does not have direct reference to net-snmp, but I thought somebody on this list can help me.

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