On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Bruce Shaw wrote:

We've actually got several different problems here.

Specifically, the OpenBSD implementation we're seeing here seems to
provide sysctl style access to Sensor data, watchdog info, etc., but what
about other IPMI functions?

I've been working on better sensor information for openBSD but lack reliable
access to a platform to develop on (a friend has been doing what he can).

On any number of occasions, I've offered personally to donate VMWare licenses to Net-SNMP developers to help bring *BSD support back into the mainstream >:} ... That's a standing offer and I'm sure there are plenty of corporations that wouldn't mind contributing either.

I will say this, though. It takes about 35 seconds to do an "ipmitool sdr list full". Thus, for every two values you would like to graph in MRTG, you can add 35 seconds to the job's run time. The time it takes to do an "ipmi sensor get 'blah'" is marginally different than a list.

$ time ipmitool -U netadmin -E -H sys-lom.priv -c sdr list full
Temp,43,degrees C,ok
Temp,40,degrees C,ok
real    0m34.618s
user    0m0.017s
sys     0m0.017s

Thus...a in-kernel IPMI<-->SNMP gateway interface would be optimal (Such as OpenBSD's) to relying on the Hardware/LOM/BMC Functionality, at least for the sensor related data.

The hardware interface on the BMC/NIC is infinitely useful. You can VLAN it off into a management/out of band subnet and do hard-power resets, etc, from there.

Regarding MRTG, there are 8 sets of values to graph out from the sensor results on Dell PE 1850s/2850s that I have access to:

Set 1: CPU0 Temp, CPU1 Temp
Set 2: MB Ambient, MB Planar Temp
Set 3: Riser Temp && [Riser Temp]
Set 4: PS#0 Temp, PS#1 Temp
Set 5: CMOS Battery Volt && [CMOS Battery Volts]
Set 6: Fan 1A, Fan 1B
Set 7: Fan 2A, Fan 2B
Set 8: Fan 3A, Fan 3B
Set 9: Fan 4A, Fan 4B

I modified version of Chris Wilson's NAGIOS IPMI plugin can be used to poll the data into MRTG in a very ...VERY suboptimal, but functional, manor.


(this script lacks any kind of sanity checking)

MRTG Configs might look something like:

Target[SYSNAME.fan3]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com f3`
PageTop[SYSNAME.fan3]: <H1>Fan Set 3 RPMs</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.fan3]: Fan Set 3 RPMs
Options[SYSNAME.fan3]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend3[SYSNAME.fan3]: Fan Set 3, Fan A RPMs
#Legend2[SYSNAME.fan3]: Fan Set 3, Fan b RPMs
YLegend[SYSNAME.fan3]: RPMs
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.fan3]: RPMs&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.fan3]: &nbsp;Fan Set 3, Fan A RPMs:&nbsp;
LegendO[SYSNAME.fan3]: &nbsp;Fan Set 3, Fan A RPMs:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.fan3]: 10000

Target[SYSNAME.risertemp]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com ri`
PageTop[SYSNAME.risertemp]: <H1>Motherboard Riser(s)</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.risertemp]: Motherboard Riser(s)
Options[SYSNAME.risertemp]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend1[SYSNAME.risertemp]: Motherboard Riser
#Legend2[SYSNAME.risertemp]: Motherboard Riser
YLegend[SYSNAME.risertemp]: Degrees Celcius
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.risertemp]: Degrees C&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.risertemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C Motherboard Riser:&nbsp;
#LegendO[SYSNAME.risertemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C Motherboard Riser:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.risertemp]: 100

Target[SYSNAME.pstemp]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com ps`
PageTop[SYSNAME.pstemp]: <H1>Power Supply Temperature(s)</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.pstemp]: Power Supply Temperature(s)
Options[SYSNAME.pstemp]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend1[SYSNAME.pstemp]: Temperature Power Supply #0
#Legend2[SYSNAME.pstemp]: Temperature Power Supply #1
YLegend[SYSNAME.pstemp]: Degrees Celcius
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.pstemp]: Degrees C&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.pstemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C PS#0:&nbsp;
LegendO[SYSNAME.pstemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C PS#1:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.pstemp]: 100

Target[SYSNAME.batvolt]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com cb`
PageTop[SYSNAME.batvolt]: <H1>CMOS Battery Voltage</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.batvolt]: CMOS Battery Voltage
Options[SYSNAME.batvolt]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend1[SYSNAME.batvolt]: Temperature CPU#0
#Legend2[SYSNAME.batvolt]: Temperature CPU#1
YLegend[SYSNAME.batvolt]: Volts DC
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.batvolt]: Volts C&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.batvolt]: &nbsp;Volts CMOS Battery:&nbsp;
#LegendO[SYSNAME.batvolt]: &nbsp;Degrees C CPU#1:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.batvolt]: 6

Target[SYSNAME.cputemp]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com cpu`
PageTop[SYSNAME.cputemp]: <H1>CPU Temperature(s)</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.cputemp]: CPU Temperature(s)
Options[SYSNAME.cputemp]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend1[SYSNAME.cputemp]: Temperature CPU#0
#Legend2[SYSNAME.cputemp]: Temperature CPU#1
YLegend[SYSNAME.cputemp]: Degrees Celcius
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.cputemp]: Degrees C&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.cputemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C CPU#0:&nbsp;
LegendO[SYSNAME.cputemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C CPU#1:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.cputemp]: 100

Target[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: `/usr/local/cf/ipmi_mrtg.pl SYSNAME-lom.pgh.priv.collaborativefusion.com mb`
PageTop[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: <H1>Motherboard Temperature(s)</H1>
Title[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: Motherboard Temperature(s)
Options[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: nopercent,gauge,growright
#Legend1[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: Motherboard Ambient
#Legend2[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: Motherboard Planar
YLegend[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: Degrees Celcius
ShortLegend[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: Degrees C&nbsp;
LegendI[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C Motherboard Ambient:&nbsp;
LegendO[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: &nbsp;Degrees C Motherboard Planar:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[SYSNAME.mbtemp]: 100


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