Title: Mib Loading Problem


I am facing one problem. I need to implement some private MIBS. I have generated the .c and .h using mib2c and then generated "libmhso.so" .I kept the .so in /tmp/MH directory and all the other netsnmp libraries in /tmp/rh/lib. While configuring netsnmp I am following the below steps

1)export LDFLAGS="-L/tmp/MH -L/tmp/rh/lib -L/usr/local/lib"
2)LIBS="-lmhso -lnetsnmp -lcrypto" ./configure --prefix=/tmp/march2
4)make install

I am excluding  --with-mib-modules option for loading the mibs.
But while trying snmpget on that particular private mib attribute whose implementation is part of .so
I am getting the error
snmpget -c public -v2c localhost mclbVcbMhHeartBeatTimeout.0
MCLB-VCB-MIB::mclbVcbMhHeartBeatTimeout.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID

My question is

1) Is it possible to keep the mib2c generated .c .h files in some other directory (other than agent/mibgroup)
and force the configure scripts to include those files while making snmpd ?

2) Is there any way to force "--with-mib-modules " to look for .c and .h other than agent/mibgrop directory

3) Is it possible to implement the mibs and generate .so and while configuring snmpd include that .so instead of
--with-mib-modules option and still the private mibs which implementation is part of .so gets  loaded.

Please help.


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