On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 12:03 +0100, Palmentieri Nunzio wrote:
> I wrote a MIB with several table objects.
> How can I generate code for it?
> I think I have to run mib2c on both the tables, and then compile the
> code generated, as follows:
> mib2c peProcessTable
> mib2c peObjectTable

That's certainly the most reliable way to do this
(and typically the easiest to maintain).

Depending on the mib2c template that you are using,
it *might* be possible to run mib2c on a higher-level
root object, and allow it to generate code for both
tables in the same file.   But not all templates
support this, and it's probably easier to work on
one table at once.

You can always combine the files manually, once you're
happy that they work individually.


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