
I have some questions regarding the reception of snmpv3 traps.
I have a solaris 5.8 box and net-snmp v5.4.

I need only the tools for getting info from other SNMP-enabled devices. By
keeping this in mind, I have used the following ./configure --options:

#./configure --prefix=$HOME/speak/netsnmp --disable-agent --disable-manuals
--disable-mibs --with-default-snmp-version="2"
--with-sys-contact="automation" --with-sys-location="Bay"
--with-logfile="none" --with-persistent-directory="$HOME/speak/snmp"

Issue #1: If I run the command above first...I get errors.But if I run just
"./configure" with no switches (which gives no errors), and then the one
stated above, it works as a charm :).
This is not a major issue for me; it's just that it adds more time to

I am able to use the tools, except the trap daemon (snmptrapd); its
configuration is quite catchy....

I have configured on a device to send snmpv3 traps;users use both
noAuth/noPriv and AuthPriv.
I am receiving these traps(when looking with -D), but still I couldnt get
the daemon to log them to a file; I get the following errors:
usm: usm: USM processing begun...
USM processing begun...
usm: usm: match on user a
match on user a
usm: no match on engineID (usm: no match on engineID (80 00 02 32 80 02 00
06 53 44 4E 49 32 46 30 41 
44 46 80 00 02 32 80 02 00 06 53 44 4E 49 32 46 30 41 
44 46 )
usm: usm: Unknown User(a)
Unknown User(a)
snmp_parse: snmp_parse: Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:a,
secLevel:noAuthNoPriv): USM unknown security name (no such user exists)
Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:a, secLevel:noAuthNoPriv): USM unknown
security name (no such user exists)
usm: usm: USM processing begun...
USM processing begun...
usm: usm: match on user b
match on user b
usm: no match on engineID (usm: no match on engineID (80 00 02 32 80 02 00
06 53 44 4E 49 32 46 30 41 
44 46 80 00 02 32 80 02 00 06 53 44 4E 49 32 46 30 41 
44 46 )
usm: usm: Unknown User(b)
Unknown User(b)
snmp_parse: snmp_parse: Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:b,
secLevel:noAuthNoPriv): USM unknown security name (no such user exists)
Parsed SNMPv3 message (secName:b, secLevel:noAuthNoPriv): USM unknown
security name (no such user exists)

Thanks for your patience,

Liviu Mocanu

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