Hi fellow net-snmp users,

I have been trying to install net-snmp on Fedora 7 box without success.
Basically, whenever I ran it, I receive "stopping failed" message and
"snmp dead but subsys locked" message.

# uname -r
# yum list net-snmp
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Installed Packages
net-snmp.i386                            1:5.4-14.fc7

# service snmpd restart
Stopping snmpd:                                            [FAILED]
Starting snmpd:                                            [  OK  ]
# service snmpd status
snmpd dead but subsys locked
# ps waux | grep snmp
root       417  0.0  0.0   4008   704 pts/0    S+   17:55   0:00 grep
root     32714  0.5  0.1  47356  3032 ?        Ssl  17:20   0:12

I am in the process of installing DELL OMSA (Open Manage Server
Administrator) which requires net-snmp to work with it.

The funny thing is I was able to get the same OMSA to work on RHEL 5
without a hitch.  I thought RHEL 5 and F7 should be similar but I don't
know why F7 does not work.

Could it be the net-snmp version I am running?

Thanks in advance.
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