> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Umesh Kamath
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 2:21 PM


        [You can CC yourself if you like, but please trim the bounce address 
before sending.  Thanks!]

> I have tried snmpget, snmpgetnext and others commands are 
> working except snmptrap. I ran the snmptrapd as sudo root and 
> ran the snmptrap  as my user "uk1577".  I am getting below error 
> snmptrap -v 1 -c public localhost "" "" 0 0  "" 
> read_config_store open failure on /var/net-snmp/snmpapp.conf 
> read_config_store open failure on /var/net-snmp/snmpapp.conf 
> read_config_store open failure on /var/net-snmp/snmpapp.conf 
> when i checked snmpapp.conf file  under  /var/net-snmp  
> directory  is missing 

        There are circumstances under which root cannot ask certain file 
systems, most notably NFS, but, just like  Dave previously mentioned, this will 
not cause any problems running the snmptrapd engine.  It will only cause 
problems restarting it, which you won't care about until you can start it in 
the first place, right?

> Here is snmptrapd.conf output 
> I added community is public 


> traphandle  SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart        /umesh/uttara/trap.sh cold 
> traphandle  SNMPv2-MIB::warmStart        /umesh/uttara/trap.sh warm 
> traphandle  IF-MIB::linkDown             /umesh/uttara/trap.sh down 
> traphandle  IF-MIB::linkUp               /umesh/uttara/trap.sh up 

        This looks OK, but where is the access control that permits traphandle?

        Add the paste of the startup sequence - command run and output, please.



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