        Thanks for the input. I am going to try to beat my proxy statement into 
submission. Below is some debug details for the record.
I would also be interested in testing the new AIX related snmp code when it 
comes into play as well as try to figure out how AIX pulls that
information from the kernel. 

The output of the command is
source$ snmpwalk -v1 -c public aix01:1610
Timeout: No Response from aix01:1610

while the box shows that it is running and that the port is listening. 
Occasionally the log for the AIX snmpd will get updated and a packet flagged
in it when you walk the host.

AIX# ps auxwww|grep snmp                  
root     454852  0.2  0.0 4748 4712  pts/4 A    13:53:53  0:01 
/soft/net-snmp/5.4/sbin/snmpd -r -f -Lf /soft/net-snmp/5.4/log/snmpd.log
-M /soft/net-snmp/5.4/share/snmp/mibs -c /soft/net-snmp/5.4/param/snmpd.conf -d 
1 root     344188  0.0  0.0  172  176  pts/1 A    10:50:26  0:00 tail
-f snmpmibd.log root     376838  0.0  0.0 1244 1164      - A    13:51:46  0:00 
root     430150  0.0  0.0  168  172  pts/6 A    13:08:51  0:00 tail -f 
root     503906  0.0  0.0  676  708  pts/4 A    13:53:53  0:00 /bin/sh 
root     528422  0.0  0.0  212  224  pts/5 A    13:58:28  0:00 grep snmp 
root     561190  0.0  0.0  372  404  pts/8 A    13:21:49  0:00 less snmpd.conf 
root     295108  0.0  0.0 1176 1220      - A    13:51:36  0:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd 
-p 1610 

AIX# netstat -tan| grep 1610
udp4       0      0  *.1610     

Debug info (adding -d 1 flag to calling net-snmpd)
Received SNMP packet(s) from UDP: []:50336
  GET message
    -- IP-MIB::ipAddrTable

Sending 42 bytes to UDP: []:1610
0000: 30 28 02 01  00 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A0 1B 02    0(.....public ..
0016: 04 4A D9 33  F7 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0D 30 0B 06    .JÙ3÷......0.0..
0032: 07 2B 06 01  02 01 04 14  05 00                       .+........

Received 42 bytes from UDP: []:1610
0000: 30 28 02 01  00 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A2 1B 02    0(.....public¢..
0016: 04 4A D9 33  F7 02 01 02  02 01 01 30  0D 30 0B 06    .JÙ3÷......0.0..
0032: 07 2B 06 01  02 01 04 14  05 00                       .+........

Sending 42 bytes to UDP: []:50336
0000: 30 28 02 01  00 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A2 1B 02    0(.....public¢..
0016: 04 71 14 B4  62 02 01 02  02 01 01 30  0D 30 0B 06    .q.´b......0.0..
0032: 07 2B 06 01  02 01 04 14  05 00                       .+........

TCPdump started when I try to walk the OID in question. 
source# tcpdump -i eth0 |grep drum
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
14:04:25.716741 IP source.50340 > namesvr01.domain:  19561+ A? 
drum01.util.uplink. (36)
14:04:25.717477 IP source.50340 > namesvr01.domain:  37005+ A? (36)
14:04:25.720137 IP source.50340 > AIX.snmp:  GetNextRequest(27)  ip.ipAddrTable
14:04:25.720397 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 477491983:477492071(88) ack 
2750753606 win 65535
14:04:25.720409 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 88 win 65535
14:04:25.720430 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 88:200(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720438 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 200 win 65535
14:04:25.720465 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 200:312(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720479 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 312 win 65535
14:04:25.720493 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 312:424(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720501 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 424 win 65535
14:04:25.720516 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 424:520(96) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720522 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 520 win 65535
14:04:25.720537 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 520:608(88) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720548 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 608 win 65535
14:04:25.720608 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 608:688(80) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720615 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 688 win 65535
14:04:25.720641 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 688:800(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720648 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 800 win 65535
14:04:25.720683 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 800:912(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720691 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 912 win 65535
14:04:25.720709 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 912:1024(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.720716 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1024 win 65535
14:04:25.731688 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1024:1112(88) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731696 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1112 win 65535
14:04:25.731719 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1112:1224(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731726 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1224 win 65535
14:04:25.731745 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1224:1336(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731751 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1336 win 65535
14:04:25.731781 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1336:1496(160) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731787 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1496 win 65535
14:04:25.731802 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1496:1608(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731812 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1608 win 65535
14:04:25.731825 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1608:1720(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731832 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1720 win 65535
14:04:25.731865 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1720:1832(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.731928 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1832 win 65535
14:04:25.744494 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1832:1920(88) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744520 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 1920 win 65535
14:04:25.744531 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 1920:2032(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744536 IP source.50340 > AIX.snmp:  GetRequest(27)  ip.ipAddrTable
14:04:25.744554 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2032:2144(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744570 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 2032 win 65535
14:04:25.744590 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2144:2304(160) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744605 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2304:2416(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744641 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 2144 win 65535
14:04:25.744642 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2416:2528(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744666 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2528:2640(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.744683 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 2640 win 65535
14:04:25.745080 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2640:2728(88) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745098 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 2728 win 65535
14:04:25.745112 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2728:2840(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745140 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2840:2952(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745154 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 2952 win 65535
14:04:25.745166 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 2952:3064(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745189 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3064:3160(96) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745208 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3160:3240(80) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745233 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3240:3320(80) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745248 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 3320 win 65535
14:04:25.745266 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3320:3432(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745291 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3432:3544(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745321 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3544:3656(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.745341 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 3656 win 65535
14:04:25.762264 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3656:3744(88) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762313 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3744:3856(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762323 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3856:3968(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762355 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 3968:4128(160) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762375 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 4128 win 65535
14:04:25.762372 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 4128:4240(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762398 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 4240:4352(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762420 IP AIX.ssh > source.55988: P 4352:4464(112) ack 1 win 65535
14:04:25.762500 IP source.55988 > AIX.ssh: . ack 4464 win 65535


On Mon, 19 May 2008 21:36:48 +0200
Thomas Anders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael Osburn wrote:
> >     I am in the process of setting up SNMP monitoring on an AIX 5.3 server 
> > and 
> > am having some issues. With the built in SNMPd I can access the hosts 
> > Ethernet
> > interface stats. When I use Net-SNMP I can get all the other information 
> > that we 
> > want to see but am unable to get the interface information. I have tried to 
> > add
> > "proxy -v 1 -c public localhost:1610" to the end of my 
> > snmpd.conf
> > file to get this information. With the debugging cranked on high I can see 
> > the
> > requests being processed to the native client but I cannot get any response 
> > back
> > to the snmpwalk client for that OID. 
> Until someone finds out how the native snmpd gets these interface information 
> from 64-bit AIX kernels and feeds us patches how to do something
> similar in net-snmp, the proxy approach is your best bet.
> What's the output of "snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost:1610"?
> +Thomas

Michael Osburn
CAS Engineering
Cheyenne Uplink
Echostar Communications LLC
Desk phone (307) 633-5232


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