> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:35 AM

> I understand want you mean but this is my asn1 structure.
> In the vabind struct i have a choice for "string" that is -> 
> But as you see it doesn't mean what kind of octet string.

        No, nor should it.  By declaring your data as OCTET STRING, you promise 
to give SNMP 8 bit data units (commonly called "bytes").  SNMP promises to 
preserve the order of those octets and the bits within them.  That's it.  SNMP 
neither knows nor cares what will be done with the octets, it just passes them 
around.  The content of the data is an application issue, not an SNMP issue.

        You may be intereted in adding a DISPLAY-HINT to your MIB - see 
RFC2579, section 3.1.  Also, look at the manpage for snmpcmd (i.e., the manpage 
that documents net-snmp common flags), in the "OUTPUT OPTIONS" section.


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