Hi Experts,


            I have net-snmp version with my system. When I try to
execute below perl script it is showing error as can't locate object method
" via package "Net::SNMP" (perhaps you forgot to load "Net::SNMP"?)


use Net::SNMP;

use RRDs;


$database = "/var/www/rrd/cpuload.rrd";



# Open snmp session and get interface data



   my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(

      -hostname  => shift || 'localhost',

      -community => shift || 'public',

      -port      => shift || 161



   if (!defined($session)) {

      printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);

      exit 1;



$oid_ssCpuRawUser    = '.';

$oid_ssCpuRawSystem  = '.';

$oid_ssCpuRawNice    = '.';

$oid_ssCpuRawIdle    = '.';



$database = "/var/www/ipro/rrd/cpuload.rrd";



$ssCpuRawUser    = $session->get_request($oid_ssCpuRawUser);

$ssCpuRawSystem  = $session->get_request($oid_ssCpuRawSystem);

$ssCpuRawNice    = $session->get_request($oid_ssCpuRawNice);

$ssCpuRawIdle    = $session->get_request($oid_ssCpuRawIdle);


$cpurawuser   = $ssCpuRawUser->{$oid_ssCpuRawUser};

$cpurawsystem = $ssCpuRawSystem->{$oid_ssCpuRawSystem};

$cpurawnice   = $ssCpuRawNice->{$oid_ssCpuRawnice};

$cpurawidle   = $ssCpuRawIdle->{$oid_ssCpuRawIdle};


printf("CPU Raw User::%d\n",$cpurawuser);

printf("CPU Raw System::%d\n",$cpurawsystem);

printf("CPU Raw Nice::%d\n",$cpurawnice);

printf("CPU Raw idle::%d\n",$cpurawidle);



# Update the database for cpuload


RRDs::update ($database,

my $Err = RRDs::error;



Please let me know how to solve the error coming or how to make the script
workable over net-snmp.







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