Hello folks,

Am bit confused to calculate the percentage of ssCpuRawIdle or ssCpuRawNice
or ssCpuRawSystem or ssCpuRawUser of host.

I think ssCpuIdle will give exact percentage value which top command
shows..but when we see the mib, it is deprecated one. So, We should start of
using "raw counters". I came to know from net-snmp forums, need to take two
readings of this object, and find the difference between them. That
difference divided by the total number of 'ticks' between the two readings
(probably 0.01 seconds) will give you the percentage utilization.

And this is the forum where our Dave has replied as above...


Where I have freezed is to calculate the total number of ticks...How should
I calculate the total no of ticks?..or will it be always  0.01 seconds for
all OS?...

Thanks in Advance....

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