
I've created two different Perl SNMP agents for 2 different OIDs, which 
I've succesfully embedded into Net-SNMP using:

perl do "/etc/snmp/snmpagent_1.pl"

I'm able to successfully snmpwalk/snmpget the data from this agent.

However, when I try to configure both of them at the same time, only one 
of them works (the one which is first in the config file):

perl do "/etc/snmp/snmpagent_1.pl"
perl do "/etc/snmp/snmpagent_2.pl"

The 2 scripts are completely separate, different OIDs, handlers, etc. By 
running "snmpd -f -d" and debugging lines in both scripts, I see that 
both scripts were executed, but the only output I got from SNMPd is:

get: /usr/share/snmp/snmp_perl.pl @ ibl
  GET  No value ...

Any hints?

Peter LUCIAK (peter.luc...@iblsoft.com)
IBL Software Engineering, http://www.iblsoft.com/
Mierová 103, 82105 Bratislava, Slovakia
Phone: +421-2-32662111, Fax: +421-2-32662110
Direct: +421-2-32662175

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