On 16 February 2010 13:18, Ashish vashishtha
<ashish.vashish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am reading oid from a xml file.
> and oids are in generic form like this
> <oid><oid> in xml file.
> i am reading this xml file and saving it as a std::string.
> now i need to convert it as oid for registering.
> how i can achieve this

Use 'snmp_parse_oid()' - as I said this morning.

> as i dont have length of the OID
> and length of the string is not same as length of the OID.

The length parameter passed into 'snmp_parse_oid'
is the size of the OID *buffer* - this would normally be
initialised to MAX_OID_LEN.

The snmp_parse_oid routine will pass back the actual
length of the OID, once it's been parsed.

Please see the code for the various command-line tools
(under 'apps') for example of how this routine is used.


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