On 2/22/2010 8:45 AM, Dave Shield wrote:
> On 22 February 2010 14:32, Ben Kamen<bka...@benjammin.net>  wrote:
>>> Can you get your device to generate SNMPv2 traps
>>> instead of SNMPv1 ones?
>> It is. I included a screenshot from wireshark that looks like it
>> made it through the list. Did it possibly not?
> Aha!
> I've spotted the problem.
> The device is issuing traps in SNMPv1-format,
> but they are being labelled as using SNMPv2c.
> (Which has a completely different packet format
> for notifications).
> So the trap receiver thinks it's getting an SNMPv2-style
> trap, and so gets very confused when it's not in the
> correct format.
> You need to take this up with the vendor of the
> kit that's producing the traps.
> In the meantime, if you can configure the device
> to generate SNMPv1 traps, then maybe things will
> work better.

I can do that. (the SNMP agent is a company provided stack I've been getting 
intimate with -
but also starting to really use NET-SNMP, so I wasn't sure if I got the config 

Thanks for your help!


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