On 24 February 2010 11:09, Tanisha Kashyap <tanisha.kash...@aricent.com> wrote:
> I have defined the following cases in my code for the SET REQUEST:
> MODE_SET_FREE -> does nothing
> MODE_SET_COMMIT -> does nothing
> MODE_SET_UNDO -> does nothing
> The function that is invoked multiple times is defined under the 
> Since I have defined all the cases for the Set request so the function under 
> case shouldn't be invoked more than once.
> Is my thought correct?

That sounds right, yes.
If your routine is *only* being called multiple times for the ACTION pass,
and not for the earlier ones, then that sounds like an issue with the
agent processing.
   (Since a re-sent SET request would start again with RESERVE1)

That sounds a very odd situation, though - since I'd expect to have heard
of such problems before now.   What version of the agent are you using?
Does this happen for all SET requests, or just particular OIDs?


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