On 10 April 2010 08:53, Bart Van Assche <bvanass...@acm.org> wrote:
> Building 5.4.3.rc2 on Windows via build.bat fails:
> [ ... ]
> cl.exe /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "." /I ".." /I "..\..\snmplib" /I "..\.."
> /I "..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D
> "NETSNMP_DLL" /Fp".\release\libsnmp_dll.pch" /YX /Fo".\release\\"
> /Fd".\release\\" /FD /c ..\..\snmplib\snmpTCPDomain.c
> ..\..\snmplib\snmpTCPDomain.c(187) : error C2065: 'socklen_t' : undeclared
> identifier
> ..\..\snmplib\snmpTCPDomain.c(187) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';'
> before identifier 'farendlen'
> ..\..\snmplib\snmpTCPDomain.c(187) : error C2065: 'farendlen' : undeclared
> identifier

Can I check the exact settings you are working with, please.
What version of Visual Studio are you using?
What changes (if any) did you make to the build settings?

I've just tried with a fresh tarball, using Visual Studio 2008 Professional,
and accepting the default build settings.  This ran into a couple of
problems - but not anything like the errors shown above.

Firstly, I found that 'build.pl' complained about needing to run the
VCVARS32.bat script - despite the fact that I'd already run this.

Then there were errors about inconsistent definitions within VC header
files, which turned out to be due to the entry

     #define vsnprintf _vsnprintf

within win32/net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h{,.in}
Deleting this allowed the software to build OK.

I don't know whether these are common problems, or related
to our setup here.   But I haven't been able to reproduce the
error you list above.


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