On 11 August 2010 13:57, Alexander King <new...@foxmail.com> wrote:
>> First,I think use  "mib2c -S cache = -1 -c mib2c.iterate.conf " via CLI can
>> get the right generated code, and initialized the code is ok.but I got a lot
>> of compilling problems.
> what I can do about this, Dave,
> where and how I need modify my code,or net-snmp code?
> pls,tell more,I really need tell me detialed.

I don't think you need to modify Net-SNMP code.
The problem is almost certainly in your code.

What you should do is exactly what I suggested a few hours ago.
Generate code for ONE table, and concentrate on getting this working.

     mib2c   -S cache=1  mib2c.iterate.conf   mailRecTable
          and go from there.


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