On 12 August 2010 04:09, orientropy i <orientr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> on XP platform, i can't use net-snmp 5.5 to get cpu load information.
> should i implement my own handler to retrieve such system information?

It's not necessary to implement a completely new handler for this, no.
What's missing is the relevant code under 'mibgroup/hardware/cpu'

This directory holds the modules responsible for retrieving CPU information
on a variety of architectures, and making it available to the agent in a
standard form.   The host/hr_proc module then makes use of this
to populate the hrProcessorTable  (and the ucd-snmp/vmstat module
makes use of the *same* information to populate the equivalent Net-SNMP
specific CPU statistics).

So in order to implement the hrProcessorTable on a new architecture,
all that is needed is to provide a suitable code file within hardware/cpu.

Or, as Bart suggests, you could look at linking in with the Microsoft
provided DLL.


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