Hello all --

I've installed NET-SNMP on my Mac (via macports) and I'm trying to write a
subagent. I've followed the wiki instructions, but I can't get it to work.
Basically, no matter what I've tried I get the response:
No Such Object available on this agent at this OID

I've also tried the demo subgent from

No luck there either. I get the same response. *snmptranslate* works just
fine, so it's not a MIB issue (I think).

I've also edited the *snmpd.conf* file to include the *com2sec* lines as
described in the wiki as well, but that's no it.

So I am now at a loss. If I had to guess, I'd think that the subagent (mine
or the tutorial) is not connecting to the snmpd master agent. But, who

I turn to you, internet lords, for help.

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