On 13 December 2010 11:24, MAS . <mass3m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to generate c implementation file and header file for the MIB-NODE
> file containing  both scalars and table.

Please see the FAQ entry
      How can I have mib2c generate code for both scalars and tables?

This states the following:

     This uses a very powerful tool called a "text editor" :-)

    The mib2c tool uses separate configuration files to
    generate code for scalar objects, and for tables. This
    means that it's not possible to automatically generate
    a single code file that supports both scalars and tables.

    Instead, the two code files need to be generated separately,
    and then combined manually. This will typically mean copying
    the handler routines for the scalar object(s) into the table file,
    and adding the code to register these handler(s) to the table
    initialisation routine.


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