Thanks for the reply Dave.
I have another related question.

Does the ifTable display virtual interface entries also ?
After adding the virtual interface, we are not able to see,,  say "eth0:1
data in ifTable. I guess that is because the MAC is same.

However, ipAddressTable is able to display the information related to
 virtual interface.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Dave Shield <>wrote:

> On 5 September 2011 10:23, anand anand <> wrote:
> > When trying a snmpwalk on ifXTable or ifTable after the removal, the
>  data
> > for the removed interface  still gets displayed till 300 seconds as
> defined
> > by IFTABLE_REMOVE_MISSING_AFTER in ifTable_data_access.h
> > IFTABLE_REMOVE_MISSING_AFTER is defined as per some standard  or can it
> be
> > changed ?
> No - I don't believe this is fixed in stone anywhere.
> Five minutes was probably justfelt to be a convenient expiry time.
> If you need to tweak this to match your requirements, go right ahead.
> Dave
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