On 9 November 2011 18:11, Suresh kumar <skjaiswa...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> i want convert entire MIB object to c/h file using mib2c  at once

What do you mean by "converting the MIB object"?
What sort of MIB object(s) do you have in mind.

If these are scalar objects, then try

    mib2c -c mib2c.scalar.conf  MY-MIB::myTopLevelObject

If this is a MIB table, then try

    mib2c -c mib2c.table_data.conf  MY-MIB::myTable

(or one of the other table-based helper frameworks)

Naturally, you should use the appropriate values instead
of MY-MIB::myTopLevelObject and MY-MIB::myTable


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