On 29 December 2012 09:23, Nuno Magalhães <nuno.magalh...@inov.pt> wrote:
> 3) The problem: whenever I launch the snmpd with the necessary arguments:
> snmpd.exe -V -f -Lo
> -I-udp,udpTable,tcp,tcpTable,icmp,ip,interfaces,system_mib,sysORTable
> -DnstAgentPluginObject,dlmod,winExtDLL

If I've read this correctly, you are giving the SNMP agent a list of
modules that should *not* be initialized ('-I-....')
and this list includes the module that is responsible for dynamic
loading of modules  ('dlmod')

> "C:/Program Files/Net-SNMP line 19:
>     Warning: Unknown token: dlmod."

That would seem reasonable.
The 'dlmod' token is registered by the 'dlmod' module, which you have disabled.
So it would naturally follow that this particular token won't be recognised.

So the first thing would probably be to remove this from the list of modules
that you are suppressing.


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