On 5 January 2013 03:41, Zheng, Wenjie (Barclay)
<barclay.zh...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
>  But when this process re-started, and there is another request comes in,
> SNMP agent will replies error:usmstatus not in timewindow.

That is correct - an SNMPv3 request will fail if the boot time/count
values in the
request don't match the agent's idea of the current values.   I
believe this is to
avoid replay attacks.

> I learnt that SNMP agent should increase the engineboot if agent restarted,
> how should I implement this function that SNMP Manager don't
> need do a handshake again if SNMP agent restarted?

The manager will need to resend the request, with updated boot
count/time values.
These can be taken from the "not in timewindow" Report message that was
sent by the agent.
   If the manager is written using the Net-SNMP libraries, then I'd expect this
to happen automatically.   If it's using a different toolkit, then you'd need to
talk to the appropriate vendor to find out how to handle this with their code.


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