On 5 January 2013 12:14, Nuno Magalhães <nuno.magalh...@inov.pt> wrote:
> It seems that normal global functions are not called since I put snmp logs
> all over the global function and invoke it in the function handler and
> nothing gets logged.
> If I use the 'inline' keywork in the global function definition it gets
> logged. As you're certainly more experienced in Linux than me, do you
> suspect of anything?

I'm not sure what's happening here - but I suspect that the inline issue
is possibly something of a red-herring.

Could you possibly post a version of your module code (ideally one that
is relatively standalone and doesn't rely on any underlying stuff), so
that we can have a proper look at what you are doing, and see if we
can spot the problem.


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