Hello Vidya,

I don't know why I discover this message only today. Maybe you get an
answer already, otherwise this is mine...

Le 17/12/2013 08:46, Vidya Sagar Saripalli a écrit :
> In my project we are using Net-SNMP agent. I need some clarifications
> regarding table with MAC address as Index.
> While setting/getting a value from table with MAC address as one of
> its index, Does I need to specify the length of MAC address(6) also
> in OID?
> While getting Net-SNMP will put length (6) in the PDU?
> In MIB the definition of MAC address is like this
>     [...]
>     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))

The answer is here :

<cit. http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc2578#section-7.7>
(2)  string-valued, fixed-length strings (or variable-length preceded by
     the IMPLIED keyword):  `n' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the length
     of the string (each octet of the string is encoded in a separate

(3)  string-valued, variable-length strings (not preceded by the IMPLIED
     keyword):  `n+1' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the length of the
     string (the first sub-identifier is `n' itself, following this,
     each octet of the string is encoded in a separate sub-identifier);

Because it is a fixed-length string, 'SIZE(6)' and not 'SIZE(0..6)', we
are in the case number (2) and not in the case number (3) : you don't
have to (and you mustn't) specify the length in the sub-identifiers.

Olivier Miakinen

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