On Jul 23, 2014, at 1:02 AM, Olivier Miakinen wrote:

> It think that the answer will depend on whether zfsPoolStatusIndex and
> zfsVFSIOPSIndex represent the same physical instance.
> If the answer is yes

It's not (they are not related in any way), but that gave me the idea to grep
for AUGMENTS in the mibs directories, and it _seems_ that I can use that on an

The IF-MIB::ifXTable::ifXEntry AUGMENTS IF-MIB::ifTable::ifEntry.

Don't know exactly what that mean though...

What does AUGMENTS do/mean?

> But if the answer is no, then the poolName in the second table can't
> be the same object as that in the first table! I'm not sure, but maybe
> you simply need a sort of pointer from the second table to the first
> one : for example, if there is a zfsPoolStatusIndex corresponding to
> each instance of a ZFSVFSIOPSEntry, you could add in ZFSVFSIOPSEntry
> an object 'zfsVFSIOPSPoolIndex' whose value would be the corresponding
> zfsPoolStatusIndex in ZFSVFSIOPSEntry.

Sorry, but that could just as well have been greece or something D

But I think the AUGMENTS might be something I could use. Somehow...
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