I'm on Freebsd 12. I installed NET-SNMP version 5.7.3 on my FRR router.
The problem is in sending traps from router. For example the link up/down
does not sending trap. The config files are:


*view V  included   .1view   V  included   .   V  included
  .   V  included   .   V
 included   . public  trapcommunity
publictrap2sink   localhost publicdefaultMonitors
 yeslinkUpDownNotifications  yes*

*format  print1  %.4y-%.2m-%.2l  %.2h:%.2j:%.2k  %B  [%b] (via %A [%a]):
%N\n\t%W Trap (%q) Uptime: %#T\n%v\n*

*format print2 %.4y-%.2m-%.2l %.2h:%.2j:%.2k %B [%b]:\n%v\n*

disableAuthorization yes

*sockstat -4 -l*
root     snmptrapd  635   9  udp4   *:162                 *:*
root     snmpd      540   10 udp4   *:161                 *:*

I check the packets on wireshark, but I don't  receive any packet from snmp.

Thanks for your attention. I'm looking forward to your reply.
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