Hello all,

I've a problem to communicate with my agentx.
I've set the MIBS environment variable by typing 'export MIBS=ALL'

First, I write a small mib containing 2 objects (counter1 and counters2).
Thanks to the mib2c tool, i've generated the C code and update the data needed.
I follow all the steps needed in order to configure the master agent, make and 
make install.
All these steps succeeded and through another console I was able to send 
'snmpget' command and get an answer.

Following this, I've created a daemon by following the tutorial on site 
'Writing a subagent'.
My daemon is working, I've compiled it and see that the reading of the shared 
memory is done every time a value is updated in the shared memory.

To launch the snmpd, I use the following command line:
snmpd -Dagentx -f -Lo -C -c /usr/local/share/snmpd.conf 
--agentXSocket=tcp:localhost:1705 udp:1161

registered debug token agentx, 1
Log handling defined - disabling stderr
agentx_register_app_config_handler: registering .conf token for "agentxsocket"
agentx_register_app_config_handler: registering .conf token for "agentxperms"
agentx_register_app_config_handler: registering .conf token for "agentxRetries"
agentx_register_app_config_handler: registering .conf token for "agentxTimeout"
Turning on AgentX master support.
agentx/config: port spec: /var/agentx/master
agentx/config: port permissions: 777 777
agentx/config: socket permissions: 777 (511)
agentx/config: directory permissions: 777 (511)
agentx/config: port spec: tcp:localhost:1705
agentx/master: initializing...
agentx/master: initializing...   DONE
NET-SNMP version 5.

See below the content of the snmpd.conf located in /usr/local/share/snmpd.conf

master agentx
agentxsocket /var/agentx/master
agentxperms 777 777

rocommunity MyComRO
rwcommunity MyComRW
syscontact surn...@company.com
syslocation 1st Floor / Town / Country

com2sec readonly default public
com2sec readwrite default private
rocommunity public
rwcommunity private

I've checked, I haven't a snmpd.conf file in /etc/snmp.

I'm quite lost, it looks that snmpd is not correctly configured.
Moreover, I don't really understand, why when I'm typing the following command, 
snmpget -v 2c -c MyComRO localhost system.sysLocation.0 
I've also a "Timeout:no response from localhost".

I've also checked that the Shared Memory is correctly created and available.

Do you have any clue in order to debug it or to understand what is not 
correctly configured?
Do I have to clean the snmpd workspace ?

By advance thanks for your help.
Best Regards.
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